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Accessibility Statement for Young lives, parenting and families (KE322)

Mode of study

Apart from a printed readings booklet containing copies of longer readings (for Learning Guide activities) all of this module’s study materials are online. Online materials are composed of pages of text with images, and audio or video clips, most of which are less than 10 minutes long. All audio and video clips have transcripts/subtitles and other visual items such as diagrams, interactive media and quizzes have been made accessible. Online materials also include links to external resources, online forums and online tutorial rooms.

Tuition strategy

This module provides a range of learning events including short one-to-one online sessions with your AL and online rooms. Within the KE322 Learning Guides, there will be 'Inline discussions' which will involve interaction with the module author of each of the Learning Guides. Although not compulsory, participating in these learning events will help you get the most from the module. 

Working with others

There are opportunities to work with other students within a few of the activities. This includes looking at, and commenting on, the contributions of other KE322 students.

Practical work

Some of the activities will include module wide, cluster group or tutor group discussion.

Diagrams and other visual content

The study materials contain some diagrams, tables and photographs and reading and interpreting these form an important part of the study of this module. Figure descriptions are provided for all figures.

Finding information

You will be required to search for, and make use of, study material online that you have found yourself as well as making use of the module material. Alternatives for such research material can be provided to enable you to meet the Learning Outcomes of the module.

Specialist reading material

This module has 4 Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs), which must be submitted online via the OU electronic TMA system, and an End-of-Module Assessment also submitted online.


You will receive feedback from your tutor on each of your submitted Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs) and this is a vital element of the teaching and learning strategy of this module. You should refer to it to help you prepare for your next assignment.


All University modules are structured according to a set timetable and you will need time-management skills to keep your studies on track. You will be supported in developing these skills. If you are concerned about the time management required to study this module, please contact us before you register on the module to find out what we can do to support you.

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