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Complete list of Stage 2 modules

Title OU Level Credits
Algorithms, data structures and computability (M269)OU level 230
Analysing data (M248)OU level 230
Applying sport and exercise sciences to coaching (E236)OU level 260
Art and life before 1800 (A237)OU level 260
Art and visual cultures in the modern world (A236)OU level 260
Astronomy (S284)OU level 230
Brain, mind and mental health (SK298)OU level 230
Business and employment law (W240)OU level 230
Business law (B251)OU level 230
Cell and molecular biology (S296)OU level 230
Change, strategy and projects at work (T227)OU level 230
Changing geographies of the United Kingdom (D225)OU level 260
Chemistry in life: food, water and medicines (S248)OU level 230
Cisco networking (CCNA) part 1 (TM257)OU level 230
Classical Latin: the language of ancient Rome (A276)OU level 260
Communication and information technologies (TM255)OU level 230
Concepts in chemistry (S218)OU level 260
Contract law (W212)OU level 230
Core engineering A (T271)OU level 230
Core engineering B (T272)OU level 230
Creative writing (A215)OU level 260
Critical ideas in wellbeing and public health (K212)OU level 260
Critical perspectives on mental health in society (K243)OU level 260
Death, dying and bereavement (K220)OU level 260
Design essentials (T217)OU level 260
Design for engineers (T218)OU level 230
Developing leadership (B208)OU level 260
Developing subject knowledge for the primary years (E209)OU level 260
Early modern Europe: society and culture c.1500-1780 (A223)OU level 260
Earth science (S209)OU level 260
Economics in practice (DD226)OU level 230
Electronics: sensing, logic and actuation (T212)OU level 230
Energy and sustainability (T213)OU level 230
English in the world (L201)OU level 260
Environment and society (DD213)OU level 260
Environment: sharing a dynamic planet (DST206)OU level 260
Environmental management: systems and sustainability (T220)OU level 230
Essential economics: macro and micro perspectives (D217)OU level 260
Evidence law (W250)OU level 230
Exploring childhood and youth (E232)OU level 260
Exploring international relations: actors, issues, perspectives (D228)OU level 260
Exploring mental health and counselling (D241)OU level 260
Exploring religion: places, practices, texts and experiences (A227)OU level 260
Exploring the classical world (A229)OU level 260
Family law (W230)OU level 230
Financial accounting in context (B293)OU level 230
Financial analysis and decision making (B294)OU level 230
Financial management (B252)OU level 230
French studies 2: language and culture of the French-speaking world (L222)OU level 260
German studies 2: language and culture of the German-speaking world (L223)OU level 260
Human biology (SK299)OU level 230
Infection, immunity and public health (SK297)OU level 230
Intermediate financial accounting (B250)OU level 230
Intermediate management accounting (B253)OU level 230
International, environmental and space law (W260)OU level 230
Introducing global development: poverty, inequality, sustainability (D229)OU level 260
Investigating human health and disease (S290)OU level 260
Investigating philosophy (DA223)OU level 260
Investigative approaches in biology and chemistry (S285)OU level 230
Listening to young children: critical reflections (E229)OU level 260
Literature matters (A240)OU level 260
Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary (DD210)OU level 260
Managing IT: the why, the what and the how (TM254)OU level 230
Mathematical methods (MST224)OU level 230
Mathematical methods, models and modelling (MST210)OU level 260
Mechanical engineering: heat and flow (T229)OU level 230
Music, sound and technology (A232)OU level 260
Object-oriented Java programming (M250)OU level 230
Planetary science and the search for life (S283)OU level 230
Practical modern statistics (M249)OU level 230
Public law (W211)OU level 230
Pure mathematics (M208)OU level 260
Remote experiments in physics and space (SXPS288)OU level 230
Shaping business opportunities (B207)OU level 260
Social research: crime, justice and society (DD215)OU level 260
Social work law (K271)OU level 260
Spanish studies 2: language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world (L226)OU level 260
Sport and exercise psychology in action (E235)OU level 260
Telling stories: the novel and beyond (A233)OU level 260
The British Isles and the modern world, 1789–1914 (A225)OU level 260
Understanding criminology (DD212)OU level 260
Understanding customers (B206)OU level 260
Understanding digital societies (DD218)OU level 260
Understanding music (A234)OU level 260
Understanding politics: ideas and institutions in the modern world (DD211)OU level 260
Web technologies (TM252)OU level 230