Terrestrial ecosystems
Qualification dates
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This module considers the interactions between terrestrial organisms and their environments – forming ecosystems ranging from simple microbial communities to tropical rainforests. We could even consider Earth as a whole ecosystem. The module introduces ecosystem concepts and develops your understanding of the stability and resilience of ecosystems to disturbances such as disease and pollution. You'll learn how ecosystem function depends on water, energy and nutrient exchanges and gain practical experience with current research techniques, including real-time monitoring and computer modelling. Finally, you’ll gain experience writing professional-style reports on ecological systems.
What you will study
Understanding the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems is the key to explaining how life on Earth has persisted in the past and how it might respond to change in the future. Ecosystem science takes a holistic view of organisms and the environment. The module reflects that view, illustrating the importance of interactions between the elements of ecosystems in determining the properties of the system as a whole.
The module is composed of four blocks that take you progressively from basic systems and processes up to the complexity of the global scale. An introductory block defines what the term ‘ecosystem’ means and presents a range of examples, describing their biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components. The second block addresses the cycling of energy, water, carbon and inorganic nutrients through these systems. You’ll reflect on how these flows control the type and number of organisms inhabiting the system, and how the presence of living organisms in turn affects the cycling of energy and matter. The third block explores the stability and resilience of ecosystems to both natural and human-induced disturbances such as fire, disease and environmental change. The final block looks at our planet as a whole to investigate the interdependence of the sub-systems within it.
Throughout, the module illustrates the four core concepts of definition, cycling, resilience and interdependence with examples from around the world, using the full range of online media. The module emphasises the nature of data obtained in environmental studies with its inherent variability. To understand our environment scientifically, manipulation and statistical interpretation of data are essential. It will introduce you to a number of statistical techniques, accessed via spreadsheets (including regression) to develop and enhance your professional skills in critically analysing statistical output.
Running through most of the module is a practical activity revolving around the monitoring and analysis of data on living trees. This will include basic observations of trees in your locality, and accessing and processing data from trees fitted with various monitoring devices on the OU campus and elsewhere. You’ll pool and jointly analyse data with other students on the module and gain assessment credit for reporting on your experiments.
Another theme of the module is the use of modelling. Predictive modelling of ecosystem response is now an essential tool in ecosystem science. The module illustrates different types of models, exploring their inputs, components and assumptions so you can correctly interpret the output. There are both spreadsheet-based ecological models and more complex Earth-system models that you’ll engage with to explore how different systems respond to external influences.
Entry requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this module.
At The Open University, we believe education should be open to all, so we provide high-quality university education to anyone who wishes to realise their ambitions and fulfil their potential.
Even though there are no entry requirements, there are some basic mathematics and statistics concepts that you’ll need to study the module successfully:
- basics of probability
- statistical distributions
- hypothesis testing.
You'll also need to be familiar with basic biology concepts:
- photosynthesis
- respiration.
You’ll need no specific knowledge of modelling.
Are you ready for S397?
Preparatory work
We recommend you’ve passed one of the following:
What's included
All study materials are available online, and are provided through the module website. Where possible, the materials will also be available in Microsoft Word format and as PDFs.
The following elements are all thoroughly integrated into the online materials:
- online text covering core ecosystem science concepts and techniques
- graphical and audio-visual supporting materials
- interactive modelling exercises using simple spreadsheet models
- more complex computer modelling exercises
- practical experiments with real-time ecosystem monitoring systems
- designing and performing ecological investigations
- collaborative work through small online groups
- small and larger group tutorials
- integrated assessment
- professional-style report writing.
Computing requirements
- Primary device – A desktop or laptop computer. It’s possible to access some materials on a mobile phone, tablet or Chromebook; however, they may not be suitable as your primary device.
- Peripheral device – Headphones/earphones with a built-in microphone for online tutorials.
- Our OU Study app operates on supported versions of Android and iOS.
- Operating systems – Windows 10 or 11 or macOS Ventura (or higher).
- Internet access – Broadband or mobile connection.
- Browser – Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are recommended; Mozilla Firefox and Safari may be suitable.