Educational aims
The aim of this certificate is to equip you with the basic skills and knowledge that you will need to underpin a career in the computing and IT sector. It will develop your knowledge and understanding of the fundamental technologies, techniques and trends of modern digital technology and introduce you to some of the issues involved in their application. You will gain some practical experience in the use of a modern programming environment and ubiquitous computing devices.
Depending on which options you choose you will also gain valuable transferable skills and be prepared for further study in not only computing and IT but also a range of complementary subjects.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
On completion of this certificate, you will have an:
- understanding of some fundamental principles, concepts and techniques underlying computing and IT
- awareness of the range of models and languages to support the analysis and design of computing and IT systems
- awareness of the range of situations in which computing and IT systems are used, and the ways in which people interact with them
- awareness of the ethical, social and legal issues that can be associated with the deployment of computing and IT systems
- awareness of major trends in computing and IT and of the implications of these trends.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this certificate, you will be able to:
- apply key concepts from computing and IT in specified contexts
- apply appropriate techniques and tools for problem solving, designing and testing ubiquitous computing systems
- carry out a project in ubiquitous computing that applies and extends your knowledge and understanding.
Practical and/or professional skills
On completion of this certificate, you will be able to:
- develop and test a simple computer system
- plan and organise yourself and your work appropriately
- undertake ongoing learning in order to keep up to date with computing and IT
- identify the ethical, social and legal issues that may arise during the development and use of computing and IT systems
- use ICT tools and numerical skills as appropriate, to help you learn effectively.
Key skills
On completion of this certificate, you will be able to:
- communicate information, arguments ideas and issues clearly and in appropriate ways
- work in a group, communicating effectively in a distance setting where the communication is computer-mediated
- work independently, planning, monitoring, reflecting on improving your own learning
- find information from a variety of sources, using information technology where necessary
- use appropriate numerical techniques to solve problems.
Teaching, learning and assessment methods
You will learn independently, using the following types of material, provided by us:
- printed and online teaching texts
- multimedia packages online
- directed readings from textbooks and papers
- specialised software tools.
We will support your learning with:
- self-assessment questions and exercises, included in the teaching texts
- programming tasks, computer-based investigations and open-ended project work
- feedback and guidance from a tutor, tutorials and revision
- email and online moderated forums
- study guides.
We will assess your learning with:
- tutor-marked assignments (TMAs)
- multiple-choice computer-marked assignments (CMAs)
- formal examinations
- progress reports.