Accessibility Statement for Engineering: professions, practice and skills 2 (T276)
Mode of study
Most of this module’s study materials are online. Online materials are composed of pages of text with images, audio/video clips of 1–10 minutes long (all with transcripts/subtitles) and diagrams. Online materials also include links to external resources, a Learning Log, online forums and online tutorial rooms.
Tuition strategy
This module provides individual tutor support and online tutorials. Although not compulsory, attendance at tutorials will help you consolidate your learning. Dedicated tutors will support your work on the practical engineering activities via online forums. Attendance at the online project school is compulsory.
Working with others
You’ll be required to work with other students whilst participating in the online project school, which involves working in a small online team, under the guidance of experienced tutors, carrying out practical engineering work and solving problems. You will develop these skills through enjoyable, interactive learning activities and this is assessed through part of the End-of-Module Assessment (EMA).
Practical work
Practical work forms a required component of the module assessment and is compulsory. You’ll explore real-world engineering phenomena through experiments and problem-solving activities that are important to developing your engineering study. You’ll also make progress with practical skills invaluable for an engineering qualification: taking measurements, analysing data, seeking and evaluating information, modelling, making presentations, design, and decision making. Working both on your own and in a small online team, you’ll develop these skills through interactive learning activities. You’ll develop your learning needs and plan ways of meeting them with the support of experienced tutors. You’ll conduct your practical learning remotely, using home experiment kits and by participating in an online project school.
Mathematical and scientific expressions and notations
Mathematical and scientific symbols and expressions are used throughout the module and you will be required to use such notation within assessment.
Diagrams and other visual content
The study materials contain some diagrams, graphs and photographs. Reading, interpreting and producing examples of these is an important part of the study of this module and is assessed. Figure descriptions are provided for all figures.
This module has tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) and an end-of-module assessment (EMA) that you must submit via the online TMA/EMA service, and an interactive computer-marked assignment completed online.
You will receive feedback from your tutor on your submitted Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs). This will help you to reflect on your TMA performance. You should refer to it to help you prepare for your next assignment.
All University modules are structured according to a set timetable and you will need time-management skills to keep your studies on track. You will be supported in developing these skills. If you are concerned about the time management required at undergraduate level, please contact us before you register on the module to find out what we can do to support you.
Specialist software
This module uses specialist symbols that may not be covered by standard accessibility tools.
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