Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
You will gain knowledge and understanding of:
- the principles, concepts and techniques used in your chosen subjects and in the workplace
- organisational change, strategy and project working tools and techniques
- the limits of knowledge, and how this influences analysis and interpretations based on that knowledge.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this foundation degree, you will be able to:
- apply your knowledge and understanding accurately to a range of issues, questions and problems relevant to your studies and your workplace
- apply established techniques to critically evaluate and interpret your subject in a range of contexts.
Practical and/or professional skills
On completion of this foundation degree, you will be able to:
- recognise and record your skills and knowledge to support your personal and career development
- engage – as appropriate – with practical and professional skills demonstrating development of an awareness of relevant ethical issues.
Key skills
On completion of this foundation degree, you will be able to:
- communicate clearly and accurately, being aware of the requirements, knowledge and perspectives of others
- use information technology and information literacy skills to search for, exchange, process and evaluate information
- plan, monitor and review your progress as an independent learner
- develop a range of transferable skills that will enhance your employability
- use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis.
Teaching, learning and assessment methods
Knowledge and understanding are acquired, and all categories of skills are developed, through the teaching materials. These include specially prepared teaching texts supported by self-assessment and in-text questions, reference texts, computer-aided learning packages, directed reading, online forums, web-based resources, broadcast TV programmes, videos and audio tapes.
Tutors will support your learning through tutorials.
Knowledge, understanding and skills are continuously assessed through tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) and, on some modules, by computer-marked assignments (CMAs). All modules above OU level 1 have either a written examination or examinable component such as a project report.
Tutors mark your TMAs according to marking guides produced centrally by the relevant module teams and provide written feedback to you individually on your performance. Where CMAs are used, computer-generated feedback is available to students.