A new way to become a teacher

If you aspire to become a teacher, now is your opportunity with the new Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from The Open University in Wales in conjunction with the Welsh Government, Regional Consortia and schools across Wales.

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Study a PGCE with The Open University

To become a teacher you need to achieve a degree or PGCE leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Our two-year PGCE course will allow you to achieve QTS for either primary or secondary school level and can be studied anywhere in Wales in either English or Welsh.

These innovative routes into teaching blend online academic study with essential practical experience within schools, in a format that works for you. There are two routes available:

  • Salaried route If you already work at a mainstream state school as a teaching assistant or in a non-teaching role, you can apply for your school to endorse your study. Your school must apply to become a partner school and provide you with an endorsement letter, as they will pay your salary. You will study for your PGCE around your existing school duties as part of your full-time employment in a school and your costs of study are covered by a training grant from the Welsh Government. If you want to become a secondary school teacher and don’t currently work in a school, you can still apply for the salaried route in secondary shortage subjects only, but you’ll need to have a secondary school willing to endorse you, which we could help you find.
  • Part-time route – If you’ve always wanted to become a teacher and the salaried route isn’t right for you, there is a part-time option available. If you're a career changer, or have parental or caring responsibilities, then our part-time route could help you achieve a greater work-life balance whilst you train. This route offers some flexibility as you’ll study towards your PGCE, and gain part-time practical teaching experience in a school, while working around a part-time job or other life commitments. You will need to commit to two to three days practice learning and approximately 16 hours of study per week throughout the programme.  This route can be self-funded or you can apply for a student loan and part-time maintenance grants to help with the costs.
Whichever route you take, you’ll experience top-quality education accredited by the Education Workforce Council (EWC). The EWC is an independent, professional regulator for the education workforce in Wales, covering teachers and learning support staff in school and further education settings, qualified youth/youth support workers, and work-based learning practitioners. The EWC will assess our PGCE curriculum in January 2024 to ensure it continues to meet their requirements.

What can I study?

We currently offer the following age phases or subjects:

  • Salaried Route – Primary, Secondary Maths, Science, Welsh, English, Design and Technology, Computing/ICT. 
  • Part-time Route – Primary, Secondary Maths, Science, Welsh, English, English with Drama, English with Media Studies, Design and Technology, Computing/ICT. 

How will the PGCE be taught?

Both routes include a mix of online and face-to-face sessions with mentors and practice tutors. They also include 120 days of practical experience across two schools:

  • Salaried route – you’ll be employed full time in a school in a non-qualified teacher capacity across the two years, while also completing your academic studies.
  • Part-time route – This route offers some flexibility as you can gain part-time practical teaching experience in a school alongside your other commitments. Across the two years, you’ll have 120 days of school placements.

How to apply

Applications dates for 2024 are shown below:

PathwayOpening date for 2024Closing date for 20241
Primary salaried (with an endorsing school)29 October 2023Closed
Primary part time229 October 2023Closed
Secondary salaried (with or without an endorsing school)29 October 2023Closed
Secondary part time29 October 2023Closed

1Please note we reserve the right to close applications sooner if places are filled. There are a limited number of places available and demand for the primary part-time route in particular is very high. It is in your best interest to make an application to the route of your choice at the earliest opportunity. We regret that we cannot accept applications made after the closing date. Due to the high demand for places, entry onto the primary part-time programme may be limited to the reserve list. 

2For primary part-time applicants: Please note that due to extremely high demand for places, entry to our part-time programme is limited to applicants who possess a 2:2 or above at degree level.

To apply for our programme, please complete this application form. See the Application Guidance document for help in completing the form.

For salaried students, your school must apply to become a partner school and email an endorsement letter to Wales-PGCE@open.ac.uk when you make your application. The endorsement letter template and partner application form can be found on the OU ITE Partnership website. Failure to submit an endorsement letter means that we cannot progress your application.  

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Your questions answered

What’s it like to study with the OU?
You’ll be able to study at home, in school, or on the move. You’ll use our Virtual Learning Environment to access module content such as textbooks, video and audio, and practice learning activities. It's also where you'll be able to interact with tutors and other students via online forums.

Will I have support?
The PGCE Wales programme with The Open University involves distance learning, and there is lots of support available. You’ll be allocated a Curriculum Tutor who’ll be a specialist in your chosen field, and an in-school mentor who’ll provide support and practical advice.

Plus, you’ll be able to speak to our dedicated Student Support Team who can give you help and guidance throughout your studies. You’ll never be on your own.

Where can I find more information about the PGCE qualification? 
You can find the full qualification description on the PGCE in Wales pages of our website.

What are the entry requirements? 
For the most up-to-date information about the entry requirements, please visit the PGCE in Wales pages of our website.

How can I apply?
To apply for our programme, please complete this application form. See the Application Guidance document for help in completing the form.

Where can I find out more about the salaried route? 
You can find more about the salaried programme on the OU in Wales website. 

Where can I find out more about the part-time route? 
You can find out more about the part-time programme on the OU in Wales website. 

How does my school become a partner?
To find out how your school can become a PGCE partner school Visit our OU Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Partnership page.

For further information, please see our frequently asked questions