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Innovation for digital transformation

This course will enable you to understand how to leverage innovation to respond to change, particularly change driven by digital transformation. It focuses on the people, process, and innovative people and organisations to help you develop your ability to innovate by generating more creative ideas and putting them into action. You'll also consider how digital transformation has impacted value creation, delivery, and capture in almost every industry. 

Standalone study only

You will not be awarded credits for studying this course. It is available for standalone study only and cannot be counted towards an OU qualification.

Short course

Short course code



This is a non-credit bearing course.

Study method

Short course cost

Entry requirements

What you will study

This course comprises of 8 units:

Unit 1: What do we mean by creativity and innovation?
The course begins by exploring what we mean by creativity and innovation. We consider the relationship between creativity and innovation and examine some of the impacting factors, for example culture, can have on defining creativity and innovation.

Unit 2: Innovation and disruption 
In this second unit, we consider how innovation can cause disruption to a business. We also look at whether the threat of disruption itself can be a driver of innovation.

Unit 3: Techniques for generating creativity and innovation  
In this unit we ask if we are all capable of creativity and innovation and what the science says about that question. We take a look at selected personal and organisational tools that can foster ideas and encourage innovation across a range of disciplines.  

Unit 4: Living in the cloud and other digital environments  
The unit will consider how digitally led innovation has impacted the business of business at a working level. We'll also consider whether digital tools have changed the fundamentals of doing business and learn about some specific tools, including the management and storage of data in the cloud.

Unit 5: Understanding artificial intelligence  
We'll discuss the development of AI from expert systems to machine learning, artificial neural networks and deep learning that is now underpinning most AI. In addition, we will discuss the emerging role of risk and regulation in AI business models including ethical risks.

Unit 6: Designing for creativity and innovation 
In this unit we examine how innovation can be fostered in a digital environment through user engagement, research and why methods such co-creation and hackathons are becoming more accessible as digital tools.

Unit 7: Marketing analytics, observation and impact
This unit looks at how marketing and in particular marketing research, has benefited from the development of digital data and analytics. We'll examine how digital dashboards are enabling manipulation and evaluation of data and reflect on the value to organisations of gaining customer insights.

Unit 8: Opportunities for start-ups in the digital environment
Start-ups don’t have to be the prerogative of the SME. Indeed, using start-ups as a business tool is practiced by larger innovative organisations. This final unit considers examples from either end of the spectrum.

You will learn

By the end of this course, you'll have the ability to:

  • identify meanings of creativity and innovation and the relationship between them; unlocking your creative potential
  • consider the impact of product, service and business model and disruption
  • identify global hotspots for innovation and the implications for where your business is located
  • be able to use co creation and hackathons to broaden engagement with consumers
  • explain the development of AI from expert systems to machine learning, artificial neural networks and deep learning
  • recognise the fundamental components for developing new products and services including start-up businesses.

Learner support

Expert, confidential learner support is available when you need it from a learning adviser, who will respond to you directly. Other support is available via the course forum, dedicated website and computing helpdesk.

Practice-based assignment

There is a practice-based assignment (PBA) which you complete at the end of the course to demonstrate how you have applied, or are intending to apply, the theories and models you have learnt. Once completed and successfully passed you will receive a digital badge and a course completion certificate which you can download as a record of your learning.

Work-based activity

There is a Practice-Based Assignment (PBA) which you complete at the end of the course to demonstrate how you have applied, or are intending to apply, the theories and models you have learnt. Once completed and successfully passed you will receive a digital badge and a course completion certificate which you can download as a record of your learning.


As a student of The Open University, you should be aware of the content of the academic regulations, which are available on our Student Policies and Regulations website.

Entry requirements

There are no formal academic requirements.

If you have any doubt about the suitability of the course, please contact us.

Course length

The course will require around 20 hours to complete.

You can begin at any time during the life of the course and study at your own pace.


Start End England fee Register
At anytime before registration end date Nov 2025 - see Entry requirements for more detail £250.00

Registration closes 31/07/2024


Ways to pay

Credit/Debit Card – We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa and Visa Electron.

Sponsorship – If this course is geared towards your job or developing your career, you could ask your employer to sponsor you by paying some or all of the fees. Your sponsor just needs to complete a simple form to confirm how much they will be paying and we will invoice them.

The fee information provided here is valid for short courses starting in the 2024/25 academic year. Fees typically increase annually. For further information about the University's fee policy, visit our Fee Rules.

Can you study an Access module for free?

Depending on eligibility and availability of places, you could apply to study your Access module for free.

To qualify, you must:

  1. be resident in England
  2. have a household income of not more than £25,000 (or be in receipt of a qualifying benefit)
  3. have not completed one year or more on any full-time undergraduate programme at FHEQ level 4 or above or successfully completed 30 credits or more of OU study within the last 10 years

How to apply to study an Access module for free

Once you've started the registration process, either online or over the phone, we'll contact you about your payment options. This will include instructions on how you can apply to study for free if you are eligible and funded places are still available.

If you're unsure if you meet the criteria to study for free, you can check with one of our friendly advisers on +44 (0)300 303 0069, or you can request a call back.

Not eligible to study for free?

Don't worry! We offer a choice of flexible ways to help spread the cost of your Access module. The most popular options include:

  • monthly payments through OUSBA
  • part-time tuition fee loan (you'll need to be registered on a qualification for this option)

To explore all the options available to you, visit Fees and Funding.

What's included

All learning materials, exercises, study support and practice-based assignment are delivered entirely online. 

Computing requirements

You'll need broadband internet access and a desktop or laptop computer with an up-to-date version of Windows (10 or 11), or macOS Ventura or higher.

Functionality may be limited on mobile devices. For example, voice recorder activities, which are common in language short courses, may not work on iOS/Apple devices.

Our module websites comply with web standards and any modern browser is suitable for most activities.

Our OU Study mobile App will operate on all current, supported versions of Android and iOS. It's not available on Kindle.

It's also possible to access some module materials on a mobile phone, tablet device or Chromebook. However, as you may be asked to install additional software or use certain applications, you'll also require a desktop or laptop as described above.

If you have a disability

The course is delivered online and makes use of a variety of online resources. If you use specialist hardware or software to assist you in using a computer or the internet you are advised to contact us about support which can be given to meet your needs.

The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and this Accessibility Statement outlines what studying BGXC008 involves. You should use this information to inform your study preparations and any discussions with us about how we can meet your needs.