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All modules in Combined Studies

Choose from our broad range of modules that can be studied on their own or combined to let you gain a qualification.

Collection of books on some of the subjects available

Combined Studies modules

OU level 1

  1. An introduction to business and management
  2. Career development and employability
  3. Contemporary topics in science
  4. Design practices
  5. Design thinking: creativity for the 21st century
  6. Engineering: frameworks, analysis, production
  7. Engineering: mathematics, modelling, applications
  8. Engineering: origins, methods, context
  9. Environment: journeys through a changing world
  10. Essential mathematics 1
  11. Essential mathematics 2
  12. Human biology: a body in balance
  13. Introducing statistics
  14. Introduction to computing and information technology 1
  15. Introduction to computing and information technology 2
  16. Physics and space
  17. Questions in science
  18. Science and health: an evidence-based approach
  19. Science: concepts and practice
  20. Technologies in practice
  21. Fundamentals of accounting
  22. You and your money
  23. Introducing the social sciences
  24. Introduction to childhood studies and child psychology
  25. Learning and teaching in the primary years
  26. Exploring perspectives on young children's lives and learning
  27. Young children's play and creativity
  28. Active bodies: introducing the study of sport and exercise
  29. Introducing health and social care
  30. Introducing English language studies
  31. Introduction to French studies (beginners)
  32. Introduction to German studies (beginners)
  33. Introduction to Spanish studies (beginners)
  34. French studies 1 (intermediate)
  35. German studies 1 (intermediate)
  36. Spanish studies 1 (intermediate)
  37. Exploring languages and cultures
  38. English for academic purposes online
  39. Communication skills for business and management
  40. Making your learning count
  41. Wellbeing across the lifecourse

OU level 2

  1. Algorithms, data structures and computability
  2. Analysing data
  3. Astronomy
  4. Brain, mind and mental health
  5. Cell and molecular biology
  6. Change, strategy and projects at work
  7. Chemistry in life: food, water and medicines
  8. Cisco networking (CCNA) part 1
  9. Communication and information technologies
  10. Concepts in chemistry
  11. Core engineering A
  12. Core engineering B
  13. Design essentials
  14. Design for engineers
  15. Earth science
  16. Electronics: sensing, logic and actuation
  17. Energy and sustainability
  18. Environmental management: systems and sustainability
  19. Human biology
  20. Infection, immunity and public health
  21. Investigating human health and disease
  22. Investigative approaches in biology and chemistry
  23. Managing IT: the why, the what and the how
  24. Mathematical methods
  25. Mathematical methods, models and modelling
  26. Mechanical engineering: heat and flow
  27. Object-oriented Java programming
  28. Planetary science and the search for life
  29. Practical modern statistics
  30. Pure mathematics
  31. Remote experiments in physics and space
  32. Web technologies
  33. Creative writing
  34. Early modern Europe: society and culture c.1500-1780
  35. The British Isles and the modern world, 1789–1914
  36. Exploring religion: places, practices, texts and experiences
  37. Exploring the classical world
  38. Music, sound and technology
  39. Art and life before 1800
  40. Classical Latin: the language of ancient Rome
  41. Shaping business opportunities
  42. Developing leadership
  43. Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary
  44. Understanding politics: ideas and institutions in the modern world
  45. Environment and society
  46. Environment: sharing a dynamic planet
  47. Developing subject knowledge for the primary years

OU level 3

  1. Applications of probability
  2. Applied statistical modelling
  3. Astrophysics of stars and exoplanets
  4. Biological science: from genes to species
  5. Chemistry: further concepts and applications
  6. Cisco networking (CCNA) part 2
  7. Communications technology
  8. Complex analysis
  9. Computational applied mathematics
  10. Cosmology and the distant Universe
  11. Data management and analysis
  12. Deterministic and stochastic dynamics
  13. Earth processes
  14. Electromagnetism
  15. Electronics: signal processing, control and communications
  16. Environment: responding to change
  17. Evaluating contemporary science
  18. Further pure mathematics
  19. Geology and sustainability
  20. Graphs, games and designs
  21. Infectious disease and public health
  22. Innovation: designing for change
  23. Interaction design and the user experience
  24. IT systems: planning for success
  25. Learning and doing algebra
  26. Learning and doing geometry
  27. Mathematical methods and fluid mechanics
  28. Mathematical statistics
  29. Mathematical thinking in schools
  30. Mechanical engineering: computer-aided engineering
  31. Nanoscale engineering
  32. Quantum physics: fundamentals and applications
  33. Renewable energy
  34. Science project course: environmental science practical project
  35. Science project course: geosciences
  36. Science project module: biology
  37. Science project module: chemistry
  38. Science project module: health sciences
  39. Signals and perception: the science of the senses
  40. Software engineering
  41. Structural integrity: predicting and assessing performance
  42. Terrestrial ecosystems
  43. Web, mobile and cloud technologies
  44. Europe 1914-1989: war, peace, modernity
  45. The making of Welsh history
  46. Key questions in philosophy
  47. English literature from Shakespeare to Austen
  48. Literature in transition: from 1800 to the present
  49. The Roman empire
  50. Central questions in the study of music
  51. Art and its global histories
  52. Advanced creative writing
  53. Creating futures: sustainable enterprise and innovation
  54. International relations: continuity and change in global politics
  55. Advancing social psychology
  56. Language and creativity
  57. Language, literature and childhood
  58. Approaches to mental health
  59. Law, society and culture
  60. Exploring legal boundaries

Access modules

  1. Arts and languages Access module
  2. Arts and languages Access module: fast track
  3. Business and law Access module
  4. Psychology, social science and wellbeing Access module
  5. Psychology, social science and wellbeing Access module: fast track
  6. Science, technology and maths Access module
  7. Science, technology and maths Access module: fast track

Short courses

  1. An introduction to artificial intelligence